LSIA Bylaws
By-Laws of the Linthicum-Shipley Improvement Association, Inc., amended and approved in May 2017.
By-Laws of the Linthicum-Shipley Improvement Association, Inc.
Article I:
Section 1
The Association shall be known as the Linthicum-Shipley Improvement Association, Incorporated.
Article II: Objectives
Section 1
To promote the general welfare of the residents of Linthicum-Shipley and locality stated herein, Anne Arundel County, Maryland: for the improvement of said locality and to regulate the community, the streets, thereof, and all matters affecting the aforesaid community.
Section 2
To protect and preserve the community from unwarranted, unjustified, detrimental and destructive actions which would adversely impact the single family dwelling concept of the community and/or the ability of residents to enjoy life in a peaceful, safe and healthful environment.
Section 3
To secure a compliance with ordinances and restrictions applicable to said community.
Section 4
To promote social activities in the community.
Section 5
To keep the community informed.
Article III: Membership
Section 1
Only the owner of residential property and/or resident of Linthicum-Shipley and locality stated herein shall be eligible for membership. Said boundaries are:
Baltimore-Washington Parkway (295) at Baltimore Beltway (695), East along the Beltway to Camp Meade Road, North to Old Annapolis Road.
South on Old Annapolis Road along the Cabin Branch stream (northern edge) to Aviation Blvd.
West along Aviation Blvd. to Elkridge Landing Road.
Northwest along Elkridge Landing Road to Nursery Road, North on Nursery Road to the Baltimore Beltway (695), East to Baltimore-Washington Parkway (295).
Section 2
Either the Treasurer or the Secretary is to maintain an accurate roster of the membership. Only those who have paid dues for the current fiscal year are members in good standing.
Section 3
Associate Membership will be given to those who do not meet the requirements of Section 1 and yet wish to support the objectives of the Association by paying regular dues and with the understanding that they have no voting privileges.
Section 4
Attendance of visitors at general membership meetings is welcomed; however, visitors may be required to identify themselves and state their reasons for attending. If they desire, and the President/Chairperson permits, they may participate in discussion. At any time the President/Chairperson may refuse this permission or stop the visitor(s), whether or not the visitor(s) has/have finished speaking. A visitor shall not be permitted to vote.
Section 5
Business Patron Membership will be given to those businesses that wish to support the objectives of the Association by paying regular dues and with the understanding they have no voting privileges. Amount of dues for Business Patrons shall be established by the Board of Directors and will be paid on a fiscal year basis upon application.
Article IV: Finance
Section 1
Budget: The board shall meet and approve a proposed budget to be presented at the May general membership meeting. The budget shall be balanced using figures for projected expenses and covered by projected revenue from membership dues, fund-raising and advertising fees.
Section 2
Dues: Membership dues are paid upon application and annually thereafter upon the anniversary month of application. The amount of dues shall be reviewed annually in March, by the Executive Board; and shall be set for the coming fiscal year by majority vote, at the regular, general membership meeting in May of each year. Dues were initially set at $5.00 per year and should not be less than that amount. The amount of the dues has increased to $20.00 per year in order to cover basis expenses and the printing/mailing of The Monitor. The amount of dues should cover the normal expenses of membership and shall be based on the projected annual budget of the Association. The dues of the Association were initially $5 per year and in 2013 were $15 per year.
Section 3
Arrears: Members who are in arrears in their dues for a period of three months shall no longer receive the Association newsletter. Reinstatement may be made upon reapplication and the full payment of dues.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1
The regular monthly general membership meetings of this Association shall be on the second Wednesday of each month. (July and August meetings will be held at the discretion of the President or by a majority vote of the Executive Board).
Section 2
Members in good standing will be notified, if possible, prior to any postponements.
Section 3
At least twenty-five members present at general membership meetings shall be considered a quorum.
Section 4
For non-budgeted items, without a vote by the general membership, the Executive Board may expend sums not to exceed the amount of $1,500 per fiscal year with a limit of $300 on any one item. All other expenditures greater than $300 shall be voted on by the general membership after approval of the Executive Board.
Section 5
Special meetings of the general membership or the Executive Board can be called by the President and/or a majority of the Executive Board at any time.
Section 6
Order of business: The suggested order of business at any meeting of the Association or the Executive Board shall be as follows:
Call to order – Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Roll call and/or introduction
Reading of the minutes and report of the Treasurer
Reports of Committees and Projects
Correspondence and/or announcements
Unfinished business (old business)
New business
Guest speakers and special programs may be inserted in the order at the discretion of the presiding officer.
NOTE: Elections at the May meeting will be the first order of new business.
Section 7
The Executive Board shall meet monthly at a time and place designated by the President, or unless it is canceled by the President/ranking officer. Seven (7) Executive Board members constitute a quorum.
Article VI: Executive Board
Section 1
The Executive Board of this Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and eight (8) members of the Board of Directors, and as many as four (4) senior advisors, making a total of sixteen (16) members.
Section 2
Any member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to hold office, providing they are residential property owners and reside in the area designated in Article III, Section 1.
Section 3
Not more than one member from an immediate family may serve on the Executive Board during any fiscal year.
Section 4
At the Board's discretion, the President may appoint a "senior advisor" to the Executive Board. A senior advisor will:
Be an LSIA member with at least 10 years experience serving within the Linthicum community in some volunteer capacity.
Provide insight and guidance to the Board on matters related to all issues affecting the Association; serve as the "corporate knowledge" for the Association to ensure that past issues are not overlooked by current and future Association Board members.
Be invited to attend all Board meetings to serve in an advisory capacity, but not have voting privileges as a full Board member.
Article VII: Nominations – Elections
Section 1
A Nomination Committee consisting of three (3) members will be nominated by the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the general membership no later than the month of February. The Nominating Committee shall present nominations to the general membership at the April meeting and/or publish the list of nominees and their proposed office in the Association’s newsletter for the May meeting.
Section 2
Further nominations may be made for any eligible member in good standing by a member of the general membership from the floor at the April and May meetings.
Section 3
Elections shall be held at the monthly general membership meeting in May at which time the Nominating Committee’s report shall be entered in the May minutes. The President-elect shall become resident agent of the Association during his/her tenure of office.
Section 4
The terms of office of President and Vice-President shall be limited to no more than four (4) consecutive one-year terms. This does not preclude a candidate from serving four (4) consecutive years in one office followed by 4 consecutive years in the other office.
Section 5
The order of succession of officers is as follows:
President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary
In the event of death, resignation, or removal of an officer or director, the Board of Directors, by majority vote, shall elect a successor.
Section 6
A member of the Executive Board shall be an Association member (see Article VI, Section 2) and shall not concurrently hold a public office. Those who become candidates for public elected office shall be given a “leave of absence” until after the election. If elected, they shall be expected to resign from the Association position.
Section 7
The Officers and Directors so elected shall assume their duties at the first regular general membership meeting, or at the first monthly meeting of the Executive Board, held subsequent to their election.
Article VIII: Duties of the Executive Board
Section 1
President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association. He or she shall submit to the Executive Board for their consideration and decision all subjects which, in his/her opinion, are of interest to the Association. As presiding officer of the Executive Board, he shall abstain from voting at all meetings except in a deadlock vote, where he/she shall cast a vote in order to break the tie.
Section 2
Vice-President: The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall elect two (2) members from the general membership, excluding members of the Executive Board, for performing an audit of the Association’s books for the year ending June 30. The names of the audit team will be made known to the members no later than the regular June meeting. A copy of the audit shall be made available to any member in good standing upon request.
Section 3
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive the dues of the members, and all other monies received, or contributions made to the Association; he or she shall keep an accurate account thereof and be responsible for sending out bills for membership dues. He or she shall deposit in a bank, funds of the Association which may come into his or her possession, and shall pay all the authorized expenditures upon receipt of approved statements by obtaining a second approval signature of either the President or Vice-President.
Section 4
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep correct records of all proceedings (minutes) of each meeting of the Association. He or she shall have custody of all official papers, reports, and records pertaining to the Association; and shall perform such duties as may be directed by the Executive Board.
Section 5
Board of Directors: The Directors, as specified in Article IX, Section 1, shall be responsible for liaison work with Standing Committees, and for special assignments as delegated by the President.
Section 6
Any member of the Executive Board of the Association who is derelict in his or her duties, may be asked to step down by a majority vote of the general membership at any regular meeting.
Article IX: Standing Committees
Section 1
All committees shall be appointed by the Executive Board. Each of the standing committees shall be charged with affecting a program and shall have the full support of the Association in such activity as approved by the Executive Board or the general membership. The following are standing committees that will exist as the need arises:
Constitution and Bylaws
Community Action/Grants
Planning and Zoning
Environment & Community Enhancement
Mass Transit
Police Liaison
Resident Violations/Enforcements
Section 2
Committees other than standing committees may be appointed by the Executive Board as needed.
Article X: Amendments
Section 1
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a vote of the majority of the members present at any regular meeting of the Association, provided however, that the notice of the proposed change(s) be given to the membership one month in advance of the date of voting (announcement at prior months meeting) and/or three (3) days in advance via the regular meeting flyer announcement.
Section 2
The Constitution and By-Laws Committee and/or Executive Board shall review the Constitution and By-Laws every four years. This does not preclude more frequent review if requested by a member. In the event changes are proposed, members shall be notified one (l) month in advance of the day of voting (announcement at the prior month’s meeting) and/or three (3) days in advance via the regular meeting flyer announcement.
Section 3
Once an announcement has been made of a proposed change to an Article/Section of the Constitution and By-Laws, any further modification to the proposal or new proposals to same Article/Section will not necessitate any additional notification or delay.
Article XI: Travel Regulations
Section 1
Travel expenses shall be reimbursed at the current federal reimbursement rate ($.20 per mile as of May 2017) for official Association business on authorized trips only.
Article XII: Voting
Section 1
Members in good standing only shall be allowed to vote.
Section 2
No household shall cast more than two (2) votes on any issue.
Section 3
No proxy votes or votes by mail shall be permitted.
Article XIII: Dissolution of Association
Section 1
If the general membership by a two-thirds majority vote at a scheduled meeting of the general membership, upon thirty (30) days written notice, shall move to dissolve the Association, the funds of the Association shall be distributed solely within the boundaries of this organization as stated in Article III, Section I and for the benefit of said area.
Article XIV: Governance
Section 1
Procedures not specified by the Constitution and By-Laws stated above, shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
* Amended and approved, May 2017